The Tamil Nadu government has decided to withdraw 38 cases filed against political leaders in connection with the anti-Sterlite protests of May 2018. Thirteen people had died in police firing as protesters marched to the local government headquarters in the port city of Thoothukudi, demanding that the Sterlite copper smelter controlled by Vedanta Resources that were allegedly polluting the environment, be shut.
The political leaders who will get relief through the government’s move include Vaiko, Nallakannu, TTV Dhinakaran, Premalatha Vijayakanth.
The cases against leaders currently being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation, will continue.
In a statement, the government said the decision came after Chief Minister MK Stalin considered the interim inquiry report by Justice (Retired) Aruna Jagadeesan. It is unclear if the report recommended action against the police.
Earlier, cases against the protesters were withdrawn, and relief was awarded to 93 people.