UEFA has given the British government until Tuesday to offer the travel waivers it requires to move the Champions League final to Wembley or the all-English game could be played in Portugal instead.

The May 29 showpiece is set to be moved from Istanbul after Turkey was added to England’s “red list” of countries with severe coronavirus outbreaks.

Porto is one of the backup options after UEFA hit snags with its preferred location of London.

UEFA held talks with the British government on Monday but was unable to secure exemptions from quarantine for everyone they want to be able to attend a final in London — including sponsors of the Champions League, their guests and media — people familiar with the talks told The Associated Press.

They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the talks.

UEFA has given the British government until Tuesday to decide whether authorities can offer all the travel waivers required.

Switzerland, where UEFA is based, is among the amber list of countries from which people arriving in England have to quarantine for 10 days, albeit organized individually rather than via the mandatory hotel isolation in place for arrivals from red-list countries.